생명의 Q.T

Blessings Are Coming Your Way(축복들이 여러분의 길로 오고 있습니다)

천국생활 2024. 9. 27. 13:41

♡ “오늘의 성경”(Today's Scripture) ♡

1. 읽을말씀 : 신명기 1장 11절
(Deuteronomy 1:11, NIV)

“너희 조상의 하나님 여호와께서 너희를 현재보다
천 배나 많게 하시며 너희에게 허락하신 것과 같이 너희에게 복 주시기를 원하노라”

“May the Lord, / the God / of your fathers,
(메이 둬 (을)로어ㄹㄷ / 둬 갇 / 어부 여ㄹ 화둬ㄹㅈ)

/ increase you / a thousand times /
(인쿠뤼이ㅈ 유 / 어 쏴우줜ㄷ 타임ㅈ)

and bless you / [as he has promised]!”
(앤ㄷ 블레ㅅ 유 / 애ㅈ 히 해ㅈ 푸롸미ㅅㅌ)

2. 제목 : “Blessings Are Coming Your Way.” (축복들이 여러분의 길로 오고 있습니다)

God wants to release favor and blessing into your life. He longs to be good to you. Some blessings are stored up for you because someone in your family line honored Him. It may have been a parent or grandparent, or maybe someone way back in your history that you don’t even know ; but because they lived a life of faith, now you are going to reap the rewards. It may have been a hundred years ago, but God wants to increase you a thousand times over your ancestors. When you have those moments where you feel like you’ve received “favor out of nowhere,” that’s the time to thank God for His grace and mercy. Thank Him for His promise to pass down blessings from generation to generation.

하나님은 당신의 삶에 은혜와 축복을 내리고 싶어하십니다. 그는 당신에게 선한 사람이 되기를 갈망하십니다. 어떤 축복은 당신의 가족 중 누군가가 하나님을 공경했기 때문에 당신을 위해 저장됩니다. 그것은 부모님이나 조부모님이었을 수도 있고, 당신이 알지도 못하는 당신의 역사 속의 누군가였을 수도 있습니다. 하지만 그들이 믿음의 삶을 살았기 때문에 이제 당신은 보상을 받게 될 것입니다. 그것은 백 년 전일 수도 있지만, 하나님은 당신을 당신의 조상들보다 천 배나 더 크게 하기를 원하십니다. 당신이 "아무 데서나 은혜를 받았다"고 느낄 때, 그것은 하나님의 은혜와 자비에 감사할 때입니다. 대대로 축복을 전하겠다는 약속에 감사하십시오.

We serve a gracious and mighty God, and His favor lasts a lifetime! Open your heart with an attitude of expectancy because blessings are coming your way!

우리는 은혜롭고 전능하신 하나님을 섬기고 있으며, 그의 은혜는 평생 지속됩니다! 축복이 당신에게 다가오고 있기 때문에 기대하는 태도로 마음을 여십시오!

3. '오늘'을 위한 '기도' (Prayer for Today)

“Father in heaven, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. I give You honor and glory today for all You have done for me. I receive Your blessing and look forward to the good plans You have prepared for my future in Jesus’ name, Amen.
God Bless You!”
“하늘에 계신 아버지, 제 삶에서 보여주신 신실함에 감사드립니다. 오늘 당신께서 저를 위해 해주신 모든 일에 대해 영광과 존귀를 드립니다. 당신의 축복을 받고 예수님의 이름으로 제 미래를 위해 준비하신 좋은 계획을 기대합니다. 아멘. 신의 축복이 있기를!”