생명의 Q.T

“The Blessing of Forgiveness” (용서의 축복)

천국생활 2024. 8. 2. 18:14

♡ “오늘의 성경”(Today's Scripture) ♡

1. 읽을말씀 : 시편 32편 1절(Psalm 32:1, NIV)

“허물의 사함을 받고 자신의 죄가 가려진 자는복이 있도다”

“Blessed / is the one /
(블레ㅅㅌ / 이ㅈ 둬 원)

[[whose transgressions are forgiven], /
(후우ㅈ 투뢘ㅅ구뤠션ㅈ 아ㄹ 훠ㄹ기붠)

[whose sins are covered]].”
(후우ㅈ 신ㅈ 아ㄹ 커붜ㄹㄷ)


2. 제목 : “The Blessing of Forgiveness” (용서의 축복)

The Scripture is filled with keys to obtaining God’s promise of blessing. It says in Psalm 32 that you are blessed when your transgressions are forgiven. God extends forgiveness to everyone, but we have to do our part to receive the forgiveness. We have to repent, or change our ways, with open hearts. The Bible also tells us that if we don’t forgive others, we cannot be forgiven. Is there anyone in your life today that you need to forgive? Is there someone who has hurt or wronged you? Make the decision to forgive so that you can walk in the blessing of God’s forgiveness for you.

성경은 하나님의 축복의 약속을 얻는 열쇠로 가득 차 있습니다. 시편 32편에서 당신의 범죄가 용서될 때 당신은 축복을 받는다고 말합니다. 하나님은 모든 사람에게 용서를 베푸시지만, 우리는 용서를 받기 위해 우리의 역할을 해야 합니다. 우리는 열린 마음으로 회개하거나 우리의 방식을 바꿔야 합니다. 성경은 또한 우리가 다른 사람을 용서하지 않으면 용서받을 수 없다고 말합니다. 오늘 당신의 삶 속에 용서해야 할 사람이 있습니까? 당신을 상처입히거나 잘못한 사람이 있습니까? 용서하기로 결정하여 하나님께서 당신을 용서하시는 축복 안에서 걸을 수 있도록 하세요.

Remember, forgiveness doesn’t excuse wrong behavior. It simply releases the person from the debt they owe you so that God can release you from the debt you owe for your transgressions. When you make the choice to forgive and allow God to heal your heart, you will be able to receive His forgiveness, and you will walk in His abundant blessing all the days of your life.

기억하세요, 용서는 잘못된 행동을 변명하지 않습니다. 그것은 단지 그 사람을 당신에게 빚진 빚에서 풀어 주어 하나님께서 당신의 범죄에 대한 빚에서 당신을 풀어 주실 수 있도록 하는 것입니다. 당신이 용서하기로 선택하고 하나님께서 당신의 마음을 치유하도록 허락하면, 당신은 그분의 용서를 받을 수 있고, 당신은 당신의 삶의 모든 날 동안 그분의 풍성한 축복 안에서 걸을 수 있을 것입니다.

3. '오늘'을 위한 '기도' (Prayer for Today)

“Father in heaven, thank You for the promise of blessing in my life. I open my heart to You and ask that You cleanse me of anything that isn’t pleasing to You. Search me and show me if there is any unforgiveness in my heart so that I can release it and walk in Your blessing for me today in Jesus’ name. Amen. God Bless You!”
“하늘에 계신 아버지, 제 삶에 축복을 약속해 주셔서 감사합니다. 제 마음을 당신께 열고 당신께서 기뻐하지 않는 모든 것을 깨끗이 씻어 주시기를 구합니다. 저를 살펴보시고 제 마음에 용서하지 못하는 것이 있는지 보여 주셔서 제가 그것을 풀어내고 오늘 예수님의 이름으로 저를 위한 당신의 축복 안에서 걸을 수 있게 해 주십시오. 아멘. 신이 당신을 축복하시길 바랍니다!”

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