생명의 Q.T

“Chosen to Be Holy” (거룩하도록 선택받은)

천국생활 2024. 4. 24. 11:11

♡ “오늘의 성경”(Today's Scripture) ♡

1. 읽을말씀 : 에베소서 1장 4절(Ephesians 1:4, NIV)

“곧 창세 전에 그리스도 안에서 우리를 택하사 우리로
사랑 안에서 그 앞에 거룩하고 흠이 없게 하시려고”

“For he chose us / in him / before the creation
(훠ㄹ 히 쵸우ㅈ 어ㅅ / 인 힘 / 빞훠ㄹ 둬 쿠뤼에이션)

/ of the world / [to be holy and blameless
(어부 둬 워ㄹ을ㄷ / 투 비 호우(을)리 앤ㄷ

/ in his sight].”
(인 히ㅈ 사이ㅌ)


2. 제목 : “Chosen to Be Holy” (거룩하도록 선택받은)

Did you know that God had a plan for you before He ever made the earth? He created you to be holy and blameless in His sight. Why? He chose you to be His ambassador, His representative. He created you to reflect His glory, His character, His righteousness, His holiness. Think about that for a moment.

하나님께서 땅을 창조하시기 전에 당신을 위한 계획을 가지고 계셨다는 것을 알고 계셨습니까? 그분께서는 당신을 그분 앞에 거룩하고 흠이 없게 창조하셨습니다. 왜? 그분은 당신을 그분의 대사, 대표자로 선택하셨습니다. 그분은 그분의 영광과 성품, 의와 거룩함을 반영하도록 당신을 창조하셨습니다. 잠시 생각해 보십시오.


Part of your purpose on this earth is to be a representative for the King of kings and the Lord of lords! What a great honor! Knowing that should make you want to walk a little differently. It should make you want to talk differently. It should make you think a little more carefully about where you go and what you choose to do with your time. Are you representing God’s holiness today?

  이 땅에서 여러분의 목적 중 하나는 만왕의 왕이시며 만주의 주를 대표하는 것입니다! 얼마나 큰 영광입니까! 그것을 알면 조금 다르게 걷고 싶게 될 것입니다. 다르게 이야기하고 싶게 만들어야합니다. 어디로 가는지, 시간에 무엇을 할지에 대해 좀 더 신중하게 생각하게 될 것입니다. 당신은 오늘 하나님의 거룩함을 대표하고 있습니까?

Remember, what God has called you to do, He’s equipped you to do. If there are things in your life that aren’t holy, God wants to empower you to overcome those things. Receive His strength and power today so that you can walk in holiness all the days of your life!

하나님께서 당신을 부르신 일을 기억하십시오. 그분은 당신이 할 수 있는 준비를 주셨습니다. 당신의 삶에 거룩하지 않은 것들이 있다면, 하나님께서는 당신이 그러한 것들을 극복할 수 있도록 힘을 주시기를 원하십니다. 오늘 그분의 힘과 능력을 받아 평생 거룩하게 걸어가십시오!

3. '오늘'을 위한 '기도' (Prayer for Today)

“Father in heaven, thank You for choosing me today. Search my heart and remove anything that is displeasing in Your sight. I choose to walk in Your holiness today . in Jesus’ name. Amen. God Bless You!”
“하늘에 계신 아버지, 오늘 저를 선택해주셔서 감사합니다. 내 마음을 살피시어 주님 보시기에 불쾌한 것을 모두 없애 주소서. 나는 오늘 당신의 거룩함 가운데 걷기로 선택합니다. 예수의 이름으로. 아멘. 하나님의 축복이 있기를!"