생명의 Q.T

“Completely Satisfied”(완전히 만족한)

천국생활 2024. 8. 24. 15:39

♡ “오늘의 성경”(Today's Scripture) ♡

1. 읽을말씀 : 마태복음 5장 6절(Matthew 5:6, AMP)

“의에 주리고 목마른 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 배부를 것임이요”

“Blessed [joyful, / nourished / by God’s goodness] / are those / who hunger and thirst / for righteousness / [those who actively seek / right standing / with God], / [for they will be [completely] satisfied].”


2. 제목 : “Completely Satisfied”(완전히 만족한)

God longs to pour out His favor and blessing on every area of your life. He wants you to live completely satisfied. But so many people have a misconception about what will satisfy them. Scripture tells us that when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, then we will live in complete satisfaction.

하나님은 당신의 삶의 모든 영역에 은혜와 축복을 부어주시기를 원하십니다. 그는 당신이 완전히 만족한 삶을 살기를 원하십니다. 하지만 많은 사람들이 무엇이 자신을 만족시킬지에 대해 잘못된 생각을 가지고 있습니다. 성경은 우리가 의를 주리고 목마를 때, 우리는 완전한 만족 속에서 살 것이라고 말씀합니다.

You direct your hunger by choosing what you focus on. For example, if you focus on your favorite food, if you start thinking about it early in the morning and all throughout the day, chances are that by the end of the day, you’ll be eating it! What you give your attention to, you will desire. In the same way, the more you give your attention to God and His Word, the more you will hunger for Him; and when you hunger for Him, you will be satisfied!

당신은 무엇에 집중할지 선택함으로써 당신의 배고픔을 조절합니다. 예를 들어, 당신이 좋아하는 음식에 집중한다면, 아침 일찍부터 그리고 하루 종일 그것에 대해 생각하기 시작한다면, 하루가 끝날 무렵에는 그것을 먹을 가능성이 큽니다! 당신이 주의를 기울이는 것을 당신은 원할 것입니다. 마찬가지로, 당신이 하나님과 그의 말씀에 더 많이 주의를 기울일수록, 당신은 그분을 더 갈망할 것입니다. 그리고 당신이 그분을 갈구할 때, 당신은 만족할 것입니다!

The world offers so many things for you to give your attention to, but they aren’t things that will satisfy. You might think you want a particular car, or certain clothes, or live in a particular neighborhood. There’s nothing wrong with those things, but understand that “things” won’t ever satisfy you. Recognize that only God will completely satisfy you, so hunger and thirst for Him!

세상은 당신이 주의를 기울일 수 있는 많은 것들을 제공하지만, 그것들은 당신을 만족시킬 수 있는 것들이 아닙니다. 당신은 특정한 차나 특정한 옷을 원하거나 특정한 동네에 살고 싶다고 생각할 수 있습니다. 그런 것들에 아무런 문제가 없지만, "물건들"이 당신을 결코 만족시킬 수 없다는 것을 이해하십시오. 오직 하나님만이 당신을 완전히 만족시킬 수 있다는 것을 인식하고, 그분을 갈구하고 목마르게 여기십시오!

3. '오늘'을 위한 '기도' (Prayer for Today)

“Father in heaven, I come to You today releasing anything that has captured my heart and attention more than You. Today, I choose to give You top priority and hunger for Your righteousness in Jesus’ name! Amen. God Bless You!”

“하늘에 계신 아버지, 저는 오늘 당신께 와서 당신보다 제 마음과 주의를 사로잡은 모든 것을 내려놓습니다. 오늘, 저는 당신께 최우선 순위를 두고 예수님의 이름으로 당신의 의로움을 갈구하기로 선택합니다! 아멘. 하나님께서 당신을 축복하시길!”