생명의 Q.T

“Living the Full Life”(완전한 삶을 살기)

천국생활 2024. 7. 17. 12:58

♡ “오늘의 성경”(Today's Scripture) ♡

1. 읽을말씀 : 시편 24편 1절(Psalm 24:1, AMP)

“땅과 거기에 충만한 것과 세계와 그 가운데에
사는 자들은 다 여호와의 것이로다”

“The earth is the Lord’s, / and the fullness / of it,
(뒤 어ㄹㅆ 이ㅈ 둬 (을)로어ㄹㅈ / 앤ㄷ 둬 후을니ㅅ
/ 어부 잍)

/ the world / and they / [who dwell / in it].”
(둬 워ㄹ을ㄷ / 앤ㄷ 뒈이 / 후 두웨을 / 인 잍)


2. 제목 : “Living the Full Life”(완전한 삶을 살기)

God wants you to live an abundant and satisfied life. He wants you to enjoy the fullness of the earth and life’s experiences. When you open your mind to new things and new situations, you are broadening your horizons and opening yourself to new opportunities.

하나님은 당신이 풍요롭고 만족스러운 삶을 살기를 원하십니다. 하나님은 당신이 땅의 충만함과 삶의 경험을 즐기기를 원하십니다. 새로운 것과 새로운 상황에 마음을 열면, 당신은 당신의 지평을 넓히고 새로운 기회에 자신을 열어줍니다.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way all the time. But when you open yourself to new people and new ideas, you are making room for God to reveal Himself to you. You are making room for Him to work in your life. Make the decision to explore something new this week. Take a different route home from work. Try something new on the menu at lunch. Be open to new people who may not necessarily look like you or act like you. Let God direct and broaden your horizons. As you do, you’ll encounter new opportunities and live the satisfied, full life the Lord has in store for you!

항상 같은 일을 같은 방식으로 하는 틀에 갇히기 쉽습니다. 하지만 새로운 사람과 새로운 생각에 마음을 열면, 하나님께서 당신에게 자신을 드러내실 수 있는 공간을 마련하는 것입니다. 당신은 그분이 당신의 삶에서 일하실 수 있는 공간을 마련하는 것입니다. 이번 주에 새로운 것을 탐험하기로 결정하세요. 직장에서 집으로 가는 다른 길을 택하세요. 점심에 새로운 메뉴를 시도해 보세요. 반드시 당신과 비슷하지 않거나 당신과 다르게 행동하는 새로운 사람들에게 마음을 열어주세요. 하나님께서 당신의 지평을 인도하고 넓히게 하세요. 그렇게 하면 새로운 기회를 만나고 주님께서 당신을 위해 준비해 놓으신 만족스럽고 충만한 삶을 살게 될 것입니다!


3. '오늘'을 위한 '기도' (Prayer for Today)

“Father in heaven, I open my heart and mind to You today. I ask that You help me broaden my perspective so I can experience the full life You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen. God Bless You!”
“하늘에 계신 아버지, 오늘 제 마음과 생각을 당신께 엽니다. 예수님의 이름으로 당신이 저를 위해 준비하신 충만한 삶을 경험할 수 있도록 제 관점을 넓혀 주시기를 기도합니다. 아멘. 신의 축복이 있기를!”

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