지혜 모음

미국에 있는 아이들에게

천국생활 2023. 5. 4. 13:38

Apr. 29th, 2023

To our dear children!

  How are you?

When we were under a certain hardship, a Paster advised us to read the Bible especially
the New Testament to overcome our sufferings
Therefore it was started to read the Bible among our family

1.Sola Scriptura(Latin);
   Scripture Alone

The Bible alone is our highest Authoity

<All Scriptura is breathend out by
God and profitable for teaching in
Righteousness that the man of
God may be conplete, equpped for every good work
2TIMOTHY 3: 16~17>

2.Solus Christus;Christ only
When we read Bible, we could find out Jesus Christ there

<You search the Scriptures because you think that in them,
you have eternal life; and it is they
that bear witness about me
JOHN 5: 39>

3.Sola Fide; Faith Alone
And yet, when we believed in Jesus Christ, we could be saved by him who has been killed on the Cross born our sins

<And how from childhood, you have been aquainted the
Sacred writngs, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus
2 TIMOTHY 3:15>

4.Sola Gratia; Grace Alone
However, we have found out our
faith in Jesus Christ had been from God's Grace

<For by Grace, you have been saved through faith
And this is not your own doing;
It is the gift of God


To our dear children!
In the beginning, God with his Love and Grace created us,
when we betrayed him and sinned, he gave his only Son and
also gave us faith in Jesus Christ
and gave us the Holy Spirit, led, taught and helped us to win the devil

<For, God so loved the world(us),
that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him, should not perish but have eternal life
JOHN 3:16>

So, we can't thank God enough

5.Soli Deo Gloria; for only
God's Glory!

<So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God
1 CORINTHIANS  10 : 31>

To our dear children!
let's begin to read Bible right now!

God bless all of you with the Holy Spirit from Bible to for God's glory!

from your grand-parents
in Busan, Korea

Above five Solas were
the five Principles of
the Reformation

from your grand-parents  

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